Nothing beats what my clients have to say about me and the declutter and tidied up services we provided

For examples of client progress and room transformations:


“I have been working with Ty using the KonMari method starting in March 2022. Ty has been a joy to work with; he is not judgmental at all, and helped me understand how to find joy in items as well as learn which items no longer bring me joy. I have learned to let go of things much more easily to help cultivate the environment that I want to live in. It is TIDY!

Ty has been able to walk me through the KonMari Method so that I understand it and can realize my own vision. I have looked forward to every time he comes for a session because I feel lighter and happier by the time we are done! Additionally, Ty give me homework in a clear manner with that is achievable in the time between sessions.

It has been a great way to hone my own skills. I am sad that our sessions are now over and I highly recommend Tidy Ty to anyone that is looking for a foundational change to their environment and way of life!”

After examples of Alina's tidied up home. An organized jewelry case, dresser, bookcase, and kitchen drawer.

Chris & Shannon

“When we decided it was time to relocated from the DC area to move closer to our family, we realized that after almost 10-years in our house and with the addition of a new baby/toddler, we had so much stuff, it was overwhelming just thinking about where to start and what we wanted to bring with us. Our initial quote from our moving company indicated that based on what we had in our house, we could expect to load an entire semi-tractor trailer by ourselves. On the day of our move, our final load was just over 50% of a semi-tractor trailer!

We found Ty after much research and reading of reviews from other people he worked with. Working with Ty over the course of 6-months, he helped us go through each room, each closet, each drawer, using the KonMari tips and without judgement, Ty helped us narrow our focus on what brought us joy and what we could let go of. Ty also took on the challenge of working with our 3-year-old daughter to help her with letting go of some of her toys, (much to the relief of her parents). He was able to work with her at her level and helped her understand what toys brought her joy (i.e. big girl toys) and what did not (i.e. baby toys). It was obvious that he took care in his thoughts and research and made what could have been a Herculean task a breeze!!!

With Ty's help and understanding, we were able to reduce 10-years of collected stuff to just under 200 boxes! The categories and group exercises helped us with packing. Instead of putting things in boxes based on rooms, we packed based on the exercises, which actually sped up the packing process! Recognizing that we needed someone like Ty to help us focus, and then working with Ty early to whittle down what we were bring with us, we were able to unpack our boxes within days of our move and allowed us to start enjoying our new home very quickly!

As we navigate life in our new home, we continue to use the tools given to us by Ty to focus our purchases and decorations, focusing on what brings us happiness and joy, and not just what fills our house! Thank you so much Ty for everything! Without your help, we do not believe our move would have went as smoothly as it did!”

Ready for your own home transformation story?