Book today to show you how to organize a small closet and more

For home projects that may not fit into the classic model for a tidying festival, I can offer various organizing package options to accommodate. Below are some examples of ways we can work together on a specialized project.

The tidying festival is a process that takes you through categories one at a time and keep what sparks joy. Our sessions will involve hands on guidance to navigate these joy checks, followed by storing and organizing guidance. We will go through the five tidying categories in the following order: Clothes, Books, Papers, Komono (miscellaneous), and Sentimental Items.

In-person session are available to those with proximity to the Washington DC metro area, but virtual is also available.

Explore package ideas below or contact me to create a custom package.

Looking for my standard offerings?

  • Family / Couples Plans

    Tidying festivals are a personal, independent process. However, households with multiple people wanting to tidy can book at a discounted rate. How time will be split between house members will be negotiated.

  • Single Room Projects

    This package is a streamlined version of the tidying process. The focus will be on one specific room or area. Ideal for children’s rooms, dorms, or other condensed spaces.

  • Other

    If you have specific needs or concerns that don’t align with my standard array of packages on the site, we can discuss what kind of plan may be right for you. Contact me for more details!

Let’s Spark Joy® together