• As a professional organizer, I act as a guide while you declutter your space. I offer guidance based on my knowledge of the KonMari method along with personal experience. For many people, having someone present can make these tough decisions easier, especially as you talk through why you might keep or discard. Having a professional present can also help reassure choices made.

    Additionally, I can provide insightful tips for storing objects - both the presentation and clever ways of repurposing objects for storage.

  • While many people can benefit from organizing services, hoarders require specialized assistance that I cannot provide at this time. To find a service provider trained in helping hoarder clients, visit https://www.challengingdisorganization.org/

  • KonMari is a style of home organizing that asks us to consider our belongings and surround ourselves with only those that bring us joy. There are philosophical points - such as picturing your ideal lifestyle - but the core of the process begins with the Tidying Festival. It takes you through different categories to hone your sense of joy over time. In order, you evaluate clothes, books, papers, komono (miscellaneous), and sentimental.

  • No. While I am certified in the method to teach clients one-on-one, I am a fully independent business.

  • A tidying festival journey varies depending on the size of the home and available time to work on it. Typically, it takes at least a couple of months for a person to go through all of their belongings and finalize storage. The important thing is to complete a category before moving onto the next.

  • Doing the KonMari Method® requires us to consider each item we own, in order. While some of my offerings do not go through every category, clients should still ensure they work through their items in the right order to ensure results are long-lasting. Therefore - if you felt you only needed help on papers for example - you should still complete clothing and books on your own before then.

    Some circumstances will not require every category - tidying office space, child client items, closet space, etc. While these offerings draw inspiration from the method, it is not the same as going through a full tidying festival.

  • While I do not have any official specializations or certifications beyond the standard KonMari method(r) process, I have experience with clients who have ADHD. In regards to storage, I pride myself on being able to come up with clever budget solutions based on what clients have available.

  • At this time, I have availability on weekday evenings starting at 5:30pm Eastern US or during weekends between 9am-9pm. We will coordinate on exact dates after the initial consultation.

  • I am stationed in Arlington VA, but I have the ability to travel to clients in Northern Virginia, Washington DC, and parts of Maryland. During our initial conversation, we can discuss whether in-person sessions are feasible.

    Virtual sessions are available to people regardless of location.

  • Yes! Unless given permission to use any photos taken at a session, no information about you will be shared. Your name, address, and personal details will remain confidential with me.

  • Marie Kondo’s book “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” is a great place to start, especially if you are interested to learn more about the KonMari Method. Additionally, you may find helpful guidance on my blog page.