About Tyler the certified KonMari® Consultant, the expert at folding

Welcome to My Home

Uncertain Beginnings


When I was a kid, I enjoyed having things arranged and displayed, but I always had too much stuff to do it effectively. Being a collector and youngest sibling (all those hand-me-downs…) made it hard to keep things from accumulating.

This was especially because all my life - youth, college, post-graduation - I was always living in shared home spaces with minimal places to put my things.

The Spark


I always blamed my lack of space for why I couldn’t keep things tidy, rather than really consider what I kept and why.

Eventually I had a roommate who introduced me to Marie Kondo’s book, and it provided a whole new perspective on organizing. Still, it took time to take the plunge and do the process myself.

What truly helped push me to get organized was living with my current partner. Living with roommates, most of our objects were crammed into one bedroom together - and so the space perpetually felt cramped and uncomfortable. Turning back to that book my roommate had shared, my partner and I worked together to make our living situation more manageable.

Passion for the Process

Headshot of Tyler Beloin, your professional home organizer

Going through a full tidying festival was a profound moment for me. Not only did it make the space more manageable and relaxing to live in, but it helped me really consider how my possessions reflect my desired life. I’ve also learned how to manage home organization while living with a partner with ADHD.

I want to bring that same sense of peace and home enjoyment to others who might be struggling. I’ve finished the process to becoming a certified KonMari® consultant, and I hope to use that and other organizing principles to help others tidy their lives.