Looking to relocate? I can help and show you how to declutter your home.

Moving can be a stressful time, especially with the amount of items to pack. With my assistance, you can sort through all of your belongings ahead of time so only the objects you truly enjoy come with you on the journey.

Much like the standard tidying festival, this process will go through the categories one at a time to determine what sparks joy: Clothes, Books, Papers, Komono (miscellaneous), and Sentimental Items.

With a tighter deadline to bear in mind, this service is typically more expedited compared to the standard home organization offerings - possibly meeting multiple times a week.

In-person session are available to those with proximity to the Washington DC metro area, but virtual is also available.

Explore my standard packages below or contact me to create a custom package.

Looking for a different service?

  • The Basic Moving Package

    This package includes five 3-hour sessions of tidying lessons (15 hours total). Best for those with smaller homes or those who are motivated to work independently to complete categories. - $750

  • The Standard Moving Package

    This package includes 10 3-hour sessions of tidying lessons (30 hour total). Good for individuals with average sized homes or those seeking to do less homework between sessions. - $1500

  • The Deep Dive Moving Package

    This package includes 10 5-hour sessions of tidying lessons (50 hours total). Good for individuals with larger homes or wanting hands-on guidance through most of their tidying festival. - $2300

Let’s Spark Joy® together